Hellraisers Journal: From the Denver United Labor Bulletin: “Mother Jones Deported From Prison by Chase’s Militia”


Quote Mother Jones, Raise Hell in Jail, Gary IN Oct 23, NYT p2, Oct 24, 1919—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday March 22, 1914
Denver, Colorado – Mother Jones Arrives After Deportation from Trinidad

-Meets with John Lawson and Horace Hawkins

From the Denver United Labor Bulletin of March 21, 1914:

Mother Jones w Lawson at Denver, HdLn Deported fr Trinidad CO, ULB p1, Mar 21, 1914

“Mother” Jones and John R. Lawson.

Remarkable likeness of the 82-year-old Camp Angel, telling her story to John R. Lawson, Executive Board member U. M. W., Monday [March 16th] after arrival in Denver from Trinidad, where she was detained as military prisoner for 9 weeks.

From The Denver Post of March 16, 1914
-Statement of Mother Jones after Deportation from Trinidad:

Statement of Mother Jones in Denver af Deportation fr Trinidad, DP p4, Mar 16, 1914

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Denver United Labor Bulletin: “Mother Jones Deported From Prison by Chase’s Militia””

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for November 1902, Part II: Found in Baltimore, Maryland, and with Striking Miners of West Virginia


Quote Mother Jones to Wayland fr WV Wind Blows Cold, AtR p4, Nov 1, 1902—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday December 19, 1902
Mother Jones News Round-Up for November 1902, Part II

Found in Baltimore, Maryland, and in New River Strike Zone of West Virginia

From the Baltimore Sun of November 21, 1902:

Miners’ Friend Calls On Officials
To Stop Immigration.

Mother Jones at Cooper Un, Ryan Walker, Comrade p28, Nov 1902

Mother Jones, the friend of the coal miners, arrived in Baltimore yesterday unannounced. She proceeded at once to hunt up Mr. Thomas A. Smith, chief of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, introduced herself and started to make known the object of her visit.

[She said:]

I have come here for the purpose of putting a stop to immigrants being brought into this country and employed by coal operators to take the places of the regular miners in the New River district of West Virginia.

Chief Smith laid aside his eyeglasses and took a quiet survey of Mother Jones, who had seated herself in a chair and was tapping the floor impatiently with her foot. Before Mr. Smith could make any statement Mother Jones began to give him and his assistant, Mr. Jacob Schoufarber, a full detailed account of the alleged indignities suffered by the miners at the hands of the operators. After she had finished he statement Mother Jones was referred to the office of the United States Immigration Bureau at the Custom House.

Mother Jones reached the Custom House in due time and was met by Assistant Commissioner Stump. To Mr. Stump she repeated her complaint, and Mr. Stump told her that if she could furnish the bureau with the names of immigrants who had been employed on the other side by the coal miners he would be very glad to look into the case.

“The proper course for you to pursue, madam,” he said, “is to write to Commissioner General F. P. Sargent, giving him all the data you can obtain in the matter.”

“Yes,” said Mother Jones with a long sigh, “that is just what I was told to do with Mr. Powderly when he was in office, and Powderly is a pretty good chap and I believe he kept his seat warm while he was in office.”

“But Mr. Powderly is not there now,” said Mr. Stump, “Mr. Sargent Is in charge.”

[Said Mother Jones:]

Oh, yes, I know him too; he is a jolly old chap, but he has let more immigrants into this country than even Powderly did. These mine owners are a sharp crowd to deal with. They have their agents on the other side and they coach the immigrants what to say when they come here. They are not shipped direct to the coal mines, but are sent in through Wheeling and other points, and when they get there they are herded in stockades with guards all around them and we cannot get anywhere near them.

Mr. Stump reminded his visitor that the proper person to receive her complaint would be Commissioner-General Sargent. She then left the office.

Mother Jones is a little woman, short, but stockily built, with iron gray hair, and speaks very forcibly. She has been called “Mother Jones” by reason of her interest in the welfare of the miners.

[Photograph added.]

From The Chattanooga News of November 27, 1902:

“Mother” Jones Puts New Heart and Life
Into West Virginia Coal Miners.

Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 27.-The strikers in the New River mining field are making their last stand, encouraged by the magnetism of Mother Jones, who arrived there from Scranton, Pa., where she had expected to testify before the anthracite strike commission.

The West Virginia strike began June 7. It fizzled in the Fairmont field because of the federal injunctions issued by Judge Jackson. A few months ago settlements were reached in the Pocahontas and Kanawha regions, where the men gained notable concessions.

It would be hard to find a more determined band of men than the New River strikers. It was to this field Gov. White sent state troops during the summer and there followed the evictions of thousands of families. The cold weather has been a severe test, but the men are determined to win.

New River has a larger output than any other in West Virginia field and at least 5,000 men are involved in the strike. The United Mine Workers’ Union is caring for them and President Mitchell may soon assume direct charge.

John Richards, president of district No. 17, United Mine Workers, has tendered his resignation, it is understood, under pressure from his conferees, who represented to him that he was the only man who had stood between the miners and operators. The operators absolutely refused to treat with Richards, but intimated that a settlement could be reached if he were out of the way.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for November 1902, Part II: Found in Baltimore, Maryland, and with Striking Miners of West Virginia”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Chicago New Majority: Mother Jones Sends Greetings to Illinois Federation of Labor Convention


Quote Mother Jones PAFL Congress, p72, Jan 13, 1921—————

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday December 6, 1922
Mother Jones Sends Greetings to the Illinois State Federation of Labor Convention

From the Chicago New Majority of December 2, 1922:

New Majority of Chicago p1, Dec 2, 1922

Mother Jones Ill at Home of Powderly, New Maj p1, Dec 2, 1922

Mother Jones Ill at Home of Powderly, New Maj p2, Dec 2 1922

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Chicago New Majority: Mother Jones Sends Greetings to Illinois Federation of Labor Convention”

Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Anthracite Strike” by William Mailly, Part I-Right to Organize


Quote Mother Jones, Capitalists should surrender gracefully, AtR p2, Sept 14, 1901—————-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday September 27, 1902
“The Anthracite Coal Strike” by Comrade William Mailly, Part I

From the International Socialist Review of August 1902:

The Anthracite Coal Strike.

[-by William Mailly]

[Part I of II]

Great Anthracite Strike, Mitchell Statement, Scranton Tb p1, Sept 26, 1902
Scranton Tribune
September 26, 1902

There is only one issue in the present struggle between the anthracite coal miners and the mine and railroad owners. That issue is the right to organize. There were other issues when the strike began—wages, hours, dockage, weighing, etc., but they have all been subordinated to this one. The coal trust wants to get rid of the union; the miners want to preserve it. No other question will be settled, or will even be considered, until this one is disposed of: The right of the miners to organize—that is, the issue. The mine owners refuse to arbitrate because that will mean recognizing the union. This they will not do, unless forced to it. The miners, having exhausted every other means, say they will compel recognition.

In order to fully understand how much the preservation or the destruction of the miners’ union means to both sides, one has to be right on the ground and hear direct testimony. For twelve years, following upon the failure of the Hazleton and Panther Creek Valley strike in 1887, there were practically no unions in the anthracite region. Strikes broke out spasmodically, but were soon crushed. Lattimer became famous through one of these in 1897. The operators had everything their own way, and that way was simply one of extortion and oppression. There are no gentler names for it—and these are too mild. The miners were discouraged, cowed and spiritless. Those among them who tried, secretly or openly, to organize were “spotted” and blacklisted out of the region. I met several such men, who had returned after the strike of 1900. During this time the mine owners were organizing. Untrammeled by any resistance from their employes, they had free scope to fight one another in the market. Inevitably combination resulted. Small owners were wiped out or absorbed, until now the coal trust controls the anthracite output, the transportation facilities and dictates prices to the consumer. There are individual operators, but they are dependent, more or less, upon the trust, and their position makes them even harder task masters than the trust companies.

In 1899 the Vanticoke [Nanticoke] miners succeeded in organizing, and in winning a strike which lasted five months. Wages were increased, docking regulated, hours reduced and several minor grievances adjusted. This victory awoke the miners of the whole region. A clamor for organization arose from various quarters. President Mitchell answered the cry by sending “Mother” Jones and other organizers into the field. They worked all winter. Every corner of the region was invaded. The capitalists fought them tooth and nail. At some places the miners themselves, goaded on by their bosses, mobbed and jeered the agitators. There are exciting stories told of those time, but this is not the place to tell them.

Out of those feverish days and nights of dangerous and difficult work came the strike of 1900. Not all the miners responded immediately to the call. Persuasion was required to get some, exhibition of numbers to get others. After six stormy weeks the strike was settled. It was won, whether politics had anything to do with it or not. True, the union was not directly recognized, but it was established. And that was the main point.

From that time, organization spread and strengthened. Every mine in the region has its local and the districts are well organized. Last year, when the mine owners refused to consider the miners’ demands, a strike was avoided through the advice of President Mitchell. He counseled peace, told the men they were not ready to strike, the organization was not compact enough and that they lacked resources. They should accept the situation and prepare for decisive action later. The advice was taken. The men continued to organize and they did prepare. And the present strike is the result.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the International Socialist Review: “The Anthracite Strike” by William Mailly, Part I-Right to Organize”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Critically Ill with Pneumonia at Home of Terence V. Powderly in Washington, D. C.


Quote Mother Jones re RR Men Haul Gunthugs n Scab Coal, Coshocton Tb OH p3, Sept 17, 1921—————

Hellraisers Journal – Friday September 15, 1922
Mother Jones Critically Ill at Home of T. V. Powderly in Washington, D. C.

From the Pittsburg, Kansas, Workers Chronicle of September 8, 1922:

“Mother” Jones, 92, “Angel Mining Camps,”
Stricken With Pneumonia.


Mother Jones Ill, Richmond IN Palladium p12, Sept 8, 1922

Washington, Sept. 5.-“Mother” Jones, known to coal miners the country over through her work in their behalf for fifty years, lies critically ill here.

All news of the coal strike settlement and of developments in the rail strike have been kept from Mother Jones by her doctors’ orders.

The aged unofficial leader of the miners was stricken with pneumonia following her arrival here late in July. She came to Washington to recover from a nervous breakdown, following work in the Colorado [West Virginia] mine fields.

At the home of T. V. Powderly,  secretary of the board of review, labor department, where Mrs. Jones is being cared for, it was said the aged woman has an even chance for recovery, despite her 92 years.

Once a school teacher in Chicago, Mother Jones became interested in welfare work for girls, and from that broadened her activities until she was nationally known. She was called “Angel of the Mining Camps” because of her frequent ministrations to miners, particularly during strikes.

[Emphasis added; newclip added from Richmond Palladium of Sept. 8th]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Critically Ill with Pneumonia at Home of Terence V. Powderly in Washington, D. C.”

Hellraisers Journal: “Crown of Greatness Put On Aged Head of Mother Jones” by Terence V. Powderly for The Labor World


Quote John Mitchell, re Mother Jones, UMWC PM Session, Jan 25, 1901—————

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday August 13, 1922
Terence V. Powderly on the Greatness of Mother Jones: “Gives of Herself in Service.”

From the Duluth Labor World of August 12, 1922:

TVP re Mother Jones Greatness, LW p1, Aug 12, 1922

(Here is an article by a remarkable man about a remarkable woman, which was written for “Labor.” Forty years ago T. V. Powderly was the outstanding leader of American labor. He was the head of the Knights of Labor. His fame was international. He retired from active leadership years ago but retains all of his mental and much of his physical vigor. At the moment he is performing important duties in the Labor department.

Mr. Powderly writes of Mother Jones. She, too, was in the labor movement forty years ago, and she is still in it, loved and trusted by every man who carries a union card and by thousands who do not.)


A short time ago the names and pictures of the six greatest women were laid before us by the pictorial press. Who selected them or by what standard they were adjudged great I do not know. They were estimable women, good women, respectable women, and I do not question their title to greatness.

Greatness to my mind is a relative term. It may apply to many kinds of activity. Many who through ambition, conquest or greed achieved a greatness, according to certain standards, were international whole-sale murderers. In their private lives they were dissolute, licentious, cruel monsters. History sets them down as great, but it does not tell of one tear wiped from the face of pain or sorrow by one of them. 

Others who gather millions are set down as great, but when we lift the lid from the crucible, in which their wealth was formed, we see the quivering, agony-distorted nerves, sinews, and torn hearts of men and women ground to pulp as they struggled to create wealth for those who got it. Then we replace that lid in horror.

So, then, what is greatness? To my mind it consists of doing for fellow man instead of doing him. It consists of giving, rather than getting, and by giving I do not mean giving the money, houses, or lands. I mean service to others instead of self.

Judging by that standard I ask permission to name one woman who symbolizes greatness, and in doing so let me say that I do not wish to take one leaf from the wreath of greatness worn by others. I merely wish to place the laurel crown of greatness upon the head of Mother Jones.

The Measure of Real Greatness.

My reason for calling her great is that she gives of herself in service.

She has given bread to those who hungered.
She has given rest to the wearied.
She has clothed the naked and has worn rags in the doing.
She has worked that the homeless may have homes.
She has labored that the laborer may be happy and prosperous.
She has begged for others, asking nothing for herself.
She has mothered the motherless.
She has given hope to the hopeless.

When men who got of the substance of others sanctioned the maiming and killing of helpless, defenseless women and children, she folded the arms of love around the suffering ones and gave them a glimpse of heaven through clouds begotten of greed.

Pride, glory, riches, praise, and censure are alike to her. She cares nothing for these. Her sole reward comes through service to God’s suffering poor.

As a recognition of her devoted service she has been reviled and tra­duced as was done 1900 years ago. Her sole reply was more unselfish service, even as Jesus of Nazareth gave to those who reviled him.

Not is he rich or great or powerful or influential, but does he need? is her question.

I who have known her for nearly half a century bear willing testimony to her great work for humanity. All through these years she gave while others got.

Gives Riches of Great Soul to Humanity.

When others were getting millions of dollars for self she was giving up the riches of her great soul in loving service to millions of men and women.

She does not court the favor of any mortal, high or low. As she sees the truth she speaks it, aye, even though it may not be palatable to others or helpful to herself.

Soon her labors here shall end. When those willing hands shall cease from doing, when the voice that inspired and encouraged thousands shall lapse to silence, the perfume of her good deeds shall live to bless those who shall walk wherein she once walked. When that hour comes abler pens than mine shall write her eulogy and do it more fittingly than I. My purpose in tracing these lines while she lives and walks among us-perhaps a selfish one-is that she, and others, too, may know what one of her co-workers of the long ago thinks of her. I offer these flowers that she may know their fleeting fragrance here, for blossoms laid upon the tomb are scentless to the one who rests beneath.

When that rest comes to her the world in all truth and earnestness may say: Mother Jones was truly great.

I reckon her greater than lord or prince,
Or king, or warrior bold,
For unlike these the poor of earth,
Are her’s to have and to hold.

When others take she gives and gives,
Caring naught for self or gain,
And when the cry of want is heard,
She gives and gives again.


[Emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: “Crown of Greatness Put On Aged Head of Mother Jones” by Terence V. Powderly for The Labor World”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1921: Found Attending Senate Hearings on Conditions in the Coal Fields of West Virginia


Quote Mother Jones, Doomed, Wmsn WV, June 20, 1920, Speeches Steel, p213—————

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday December 22, 1921
Mother Jones News Round-Up for July 1921
Found in Washington, D. C., at Senate Hearings on Conditions in W. V. Coal Fields

From The Cincinnati Enquirer of July 15, 1921:

Unionization Back of Strife,
Senate Mingo Inquiry Shows

Mother Jones, ed WDC Tx p2, Aug 29, 1920


Washington, July 14.-In the opening hour of its investigation to-day the select Senate committee investigating conditions in the West Virginia coal fields, elicited from spokesmen for operators and for the miners the admission that the virtual warfare there centers about unionization of the fields.

At the prompting of Senator William S. Kenyon, of Iowa, the committee Chairman, both agreed that unionization is “the issue.” 


A distinctly West Virginia atmosphere permeated the committee room.

Attorneys for both factions were powerful man, husky voiced and tanned. Others present were: Sid Hatfield, former Chief of Police of Matewan, who participated in the gun battle there; Frank Keeney, President of the district organization; Samuel B. Montgomery, state labor leader; Sheriff Jim Kirkpatrick and Mother Jones, silvery haired matriarch of labor welfare.

Secretary Mooney described general conditions in the mining region and paralleled them with the situation there in 1913 when a Senate Committee investigated.



[Photograph added.]

From The Scranton Times of July 16, 1921:

Sid Hatfield Describes Pistol Battle In Mingo

Takes Stand In Senate Committee’s Probe of Strike Trouble
-Denies He Took Credit For Killing Detectives.

Washington, July 16.-“Sid” Hatfield, ex-chief of police of Matewan, W. Va., today took the stand in the senate labor committee’s investigation of the Mingo mine war.

Word that the member of the famous West Virginia family was testifying spread through the capitol and the room soon was soon crowded.

“Mother” Jones pitched her chair closer to the witness table to catch what the man who is under indictment on charge of shooting Baldwin Felts detectives would say.

Without the slightest sign of nervousness the lanky, blonde mountain youth described the pistol battle in which he was the central figure. His suit was neatly pressed and a Masonic charm dangle from his watch chain. His quick gray eyes watched the members of the committee intently and he frequently gave a sneering laugh at questions from counsel for the operators…..


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for July 1921: Found Attending Senate Hearings on Conditions in the Coal Fields of West Virginia”

Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for December 1920: Found in Nation’s Capital Pleading for Release of Eugene V. Debs


EVD Quote re Mother Jones, AtR, Nov 23, 1907———-

Hellraisers Journal – Saturday February 26, 1921
Mother Jones News Round-Up for December 1920:
–Found in Washington, D. C., Pleading for Release of Debs

From Virginia’s Richmond Times-Dispatch of December 15, 1920:

Socialist Leader Not Included in Christmas
Pardons in List From White House.

Executive’s Refusal Is Blow to Aspirations of Liberals,
Who Have Been Working to That End.
“Mother Jones” Visits Capital.

(By United News.]

Mother Jones, UMWJ p11, July 15, 1920

WASHINGTON, Dec. 24.-Two men convicted of murder and one man convicted of selling drugs unlawfully, received Christmas pardons today from President Wilson. Eugene V. Debs, choice of a million citizens for President in the recent election, did not. His ten-year term, under conviction of violating the espionage act, still stands, subject only to abbreviation through good behavior….

The President’s refusal to extend mercy to Debs is a blow in the face for Socialists and liberals all over the country. The Socialist party, as such, has not interceded in his behalf, but individual members of the party have been campaigning consistently ever since the signing of the peace treaty eighteen months ago to obtain Debs’ release. The Bureau of Civil liberties has been the center of activity of others working for pardon for him.

Mother Jones, aged friend of the miners, spent some time in Washington last week working in Debs’ behalf….

It became known recently that Attorney-General Palmer, who has been considered opposed to clemency for Debs, actually had recommended to the President that the grant the pardon. Partly because this fact was rumored among those working for Debs’ release and because of the frequent revival of the report that the President planned to grant the pardon at Christmas time, the general feeling In this city had been that the Socialist leader would be a free man Christmas Day. The statement that this would not be the case, made Thursday by the United News, was a profound shock, and many still clung to hope until the issuance of the pardon list by the Attorney-General’s office Friday revealed only the three names given above.


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Whereabouts and Doings of Mother Jones for December 1920: Found in Nation’s Capital Pleading for Release of Eugene V. Debs”

Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Convention of United Mine Workers: We must learn to bear each other’s burdens.


Quote Mother Jones, Love Each Other, UMWC Ipl IN, Jan 25, 1901 ———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday January 29, 1901
Indianapolis, Indiana – Mother Jones Speaks to Miners, Part II

January 25, 1901-Convention of United Mine Workers of America:

Mother Jones, at Her Lecture Stand, Detail, Phl Iq p1, Sept 24, 1900In New York they are going to give a charity ball. I suppose it is a kind of restitution to the people they have been robbing for years. They will spend thousands and thousands of dollars for decorating their old carcasses, and they go into a hall and admire one another; and if we were to sit up in the gallery and venture to look at them they would wonder what such a lot of Wops wanted in the world anyhow. Then some smart newspaper man will take his gilt pen and sit down and write of the beautiful Mr. So and So who was there, and of the beautiful Mrs. So and So who was there, and how they were dressed, and how splendid it all was.

Splendid! Yes, my friends, but they are dancing on the minds and hearts of the men and women they have robbed, dancing on the hearts of the little children who are working in their factories and of the boys and girls working everywhere.

In Freeland [Pennsylvania] I held a meeting for the boys and girls from the silk mills. They were on a strike and one morning they tried to keep the scab children from working. The children went into the factory to work, and the poor little outside ones entered a protest and called them “Blackleg,” and “scab,” and a burly policeman took one girl by the hair of the head and dragged her to the police station and she was put under three hundred dollars bond. The bond was furnished and they took her home, but the fright and ill treatment had made her ill, and she had three hemorrhages of the lungs. There was not a dollar in the house to get food or medicine or a doctor for her. Think of that.

When the children stood on the platform of a hall we had hired for them to expose the corporations one little boy of twelve came to the front and told us that he worked thirteen hours at night, that they paid him one cent an hour; but that these same people had gone to the church and put in a magnificent stained glass window in it. Did you ever hear a minister say one word about the condition of these children? We did not find one minister to defend these children.

In the Scriptures they can see where the Master said, “Suffer little children to come unto me.” My friends, I believe we should clasp our hands and come out together in defense of these little children. I can see an appeal in their eyes which seems to ask what they have done that they should be battered and knocked about as they are. There are children under age in those factories.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones Speaks at Convention of United Mine Workers: We must learn to bear each other’s burdens.”

Hellraisers Journal: Martin Irons Passes Away in Bruceville, Texas; Led Great Southwestern Railway Strike of 1886


Quote Mother Jones re Martin Irons Sleeps, AtR p4, May 11 1907———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday November 25, 1900
Bruceville, Texas – Martin Irons Passes Away; Led Railway Strike of 1886

From Alabama’s Brewton Laborer’s Banner of November 24, 1900:


Years Ago He Was the Leader
in a Great Strike.


Martin Irons fr Harpers p236, Apr 10, 1886, LoC
Martin Irons

Houston, Tex,, Nov. 18.-Martin. Irons, who was once leader of the union labor organizations and was director of the great Missouri Pacific strike in the eighties [Great Southwestern Railway Strike of 1886], with headquarters in St. Louis, died yesterday at Bruceville, twenty miles south of Waco, on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad.

Irons came to the country three years ago, and, stopping with Dr. G. B. Harris, the then populist county chairman at Bruceville; he found congenial company and began organizing social democratic clubs. Anti-money rent was the slogan used to arouse the tenant farmers and in the course of a few months the entire south border of McLellan, east port of Bell and northwest portion of Falls counties were organized into clubs. The agitation extended in the east side of the Brazos river.

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Martin Irons Passes Away in Bruceville, Texas; Led Great Southwestern Railway Strike of 1886”