Hellraisers Journal: Victory for Industrial Workers of the World: Tom Tracy Found Not Guilty by Seattle Jury


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Monday May 7, 1917
Seattle, Washington – Victory for Everett Defense!

From The Seattle Star of May 5, 1917:

Everett Massacre, Tracy Freed, Stt Str, May 5, 1917

From the Everett Prisoners’ Defense Committee:

Everett Massacre, Def News #23, Tracy Freed, May 5, 1917

Everett Class War Prisoners 1916-17, Thomas H Tracy

SEATTLE, Wash., May 5th.-Thomas H. Tracy after a trial lasting exactly two months, has been acquitted. It is also exactly six months since the red outrage of Bloody Sunday on November 5. The fifth seems to be a significant date in this case and on November 5th was the trouble; on March 5th Tracy’s trial started and on May 5th he secured his acquittal.


The case went to the jury yesterday, Friday, at 11:30 a. m. and the verdict was handed to the clerk of the court at 8:30 this morning. The Los Angeles sleuth, Malcolm McLaren, was rushing up to the courtroom to hear the verdict when he met Tracy himself returning in freedom! The famous “defective” did not look very happy at that moment!

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Victory for Industrial Workers of the World: Tom Tracy Found Not Guilty by Seattle Jury”

Hellraisers Journal: Tracy Defense Presents Its Case: Louis Skaroff Testifies to Brutality at Everett Jail


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Monday April 16, 1917
Seattle, Washington – Charles Ashleigh Reports on Tracy Trial

Everett Defense News #20, Apr 14, 1917

Everett Massacre, Snohomish County Jail, WCS p116 w text

SEATTLE, Wash., April 14th.-During the last week the Defense, in the case of Thomas H. Tracy, one of the 73 men charged with murder of a deputy on Nov. 5th in Everett, has been bringing its big guns to bear upon the edifice of lies and falsity which the Prosecution had erected. The covering has been torn away from Everett and the city has been exposed in all its native reek.


Last Monday, Louis Skaroff, a young Russian boy, gave his testimony which the Defense announced was intended to impeach the evidence of Mayor Merrill. Skaroff was in Everett on Bloody Sunday, Nov. 5th. He had the courage to get up on the street corner, after the massacre at the dock, and begin to speak. Of course, he was immediately arrested. Following is his account, under examination, of the treatment he received in jail:

On Monday evening following my arrest I was lying on a table in the tank, asleep, when the jailer called for me. Somebody woke me and told me to put on my clothes as the Mayor wanted to speak to me.


[Continued Skaroff:]

I was taken into a room in the jail where there was an iron bed. It appeared to be an officer’s rest-room. There were three men in there: the night officer, a man who posed as an Immigration Officer and Mayor Merrill. They sat me in a chair and started asking questions. Then they talked some more; and then the night officer began to beat me up. When he got tired, the Mayor started in on me. He beat me terribly and then threw me on the floor and walked on me. Then they put my fingers under the leg of the bed and the Mayor and another jumped on the bed. Then they took me back to the cell and on the way knocked me down four times.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Tracy Defense Presents Its Case: Louis Skaroff Testifies to Brutality at Everett Jail”

Hellraisers Journal: Charles Ashleigh Reports on Tracy Trial: Former Sheriff Don McRae Testifies for Prosecution


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday April 3, 1917
Seattle, Washington – Prosecution Calls Ex-Sheriff Don McRae

Everett Defense News Letter of March 30, 1917:

Everett Defense News #18, Mar 30, 1917

SEATTLE, Wash., March 30th, 1917,-The case of the Prosecution in the trial of Thomas H. Tracy is drawing to a close. It is probable that the Prosecution will rest its case tomorrow, Saturday the 31st.


Everett Massacre, Sheriff McRae, Stt P-I, Nov 6, 1916, crpd

EX-Sheriff Donald McRae, famous leader of the Commercial Club vigilantes, was one of the star witnesses for the Prosecution. His appearance and demeanor, however, were not calculated to impress the jury very favorably. McRae showed that he did not belie his reputation for toughness. His callous admissions of brutality in the affair of the launch “Wanderer” on Sept. 22nd, when Capt. Mitten and several passengers were taken off the boat and severely beaten up and jailed, aroused nothing but a keen sense of loathing in the court.

In the matter of the Beverly Park atrocity, McRae also claimed ignorance. He admitted that he had helped to kidnap 41 workingmen and drive them in autos to Beverly Park but, when questioned about the gauntlet-running that took place there, he maintained that he had driven straight back after unloading his human freight, and therefore had witnessed nothing.


The hot cross-examination of Attorney George Vanderveer, for the Defense, disturbed the ex-sheriff a good deal. There were some startling revelations of the manner in which the County officials had taken up the government of the City of Everrett, probably because the Sheriff and his deputies were more willing to carry out the mandates of the lumber barons than were the city officials. The arbitrary jailing of men for no earthly reason other than that they were union men or believed in Free Speech, the beating-up and deportation of others,-all this without any formal charging or commitment-these things were painfully drawn from the enraged but helpless ex-Sheriff by the persistent cross-examination.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Charles Ashleigh Reports on Tracy Trial: Former Sheriff Don McRae Testifies for Prosecution”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Worker: Everett Prisoners Speak From Behind Bars, Reveal Jail Conditions


Don’t Mourn! Organize!
-Joe Hill


Hellraisers Journal, Monday March 5, 1917
From the Snohomish County Jail – Everett Class-War Prisoners Speak Out

The Industrial Worker of March 3rd offers the story of our I. W. W. Class-War prisoners who have spent the last few months behind the bars of the Snohomish County Jail in Everett, Washington. Despite the harsh conditions, the usual I. W. W. organizational and educational activities continue unabated.

Will get Freedom, If There Exists Shadow of Justice in America;
Bring order and Cleanliness Out of Filth and Disorder;
Abused by Drunken Deputies.

Everett Massacre, Snohomish County Jail, WCS p116

“Everything is fine and dandy on the outside, don’t worry, boys.”

This is the first thing we have heard from visitors ever since we seventy-four have been incarcerated in the Snohomish County Jail at Everett.

While “everything is fine and dandy on the outside” there are no doubt, hundreds who would like to hear how things are on the inside. Let us assure everyone on the outside that “everything is fine and dandy” on the inside. We are not worrying as it is but a short time till the beginning of the trials, the outcome of which we are certain will be one of the greatest victories Labor has ever known, if there exists a shadow of justice in the courts of America.

One hundred days in jail so far-and for nothing! Stop and think what one hundred days in jail means to seventy-four men! It means that in the aggregate the Master Class have deprived us of more than twenty years of liberty. Twenty years! Think of it, and a prospect of twenty more before all are at liberty.

And why?

There can be one reason, one answer: We are spending this time in Jail and will go thru the mockery of trial because the masters of Everett are trying to shield themselves from the atrocious murders of Bloody November Fifth.

After being held in Seattle, convicted without a trial, except such as was given us by the press carrying the advertising of the boss and dependent on him for support, on November 10th forty-one of us were brought to Everett. A few days later thirty more were brought here.

Russianized Jail Conditions.

We found the jail conditions barbarous. There were no mattresses and only one blanket to keep off the chill of a Puget Sound night in the cold, unheated steel cells. There were no towels. We were supplied laundry soap for toilet purposes, when we could get even that. Workers confined in the lower cells were forced to sleep on the floors. There were five of them in each cell and in order to keep any semblance of heat in their bodies they had to sleep all huddled together in all their clothing.

The first few days we were in the jail we spent in cleaning it, as it was reeking with filth and had probably never been cleaned out since it was built. It was alive with vermin. There were armies of bed bugs and body lice. We boiled up everything in the jail and it is safe to say that it is now cleaner than it has ever been before or ever will be after the wobblies are gone.

Everett Class War Prisoners 1916-17, Jack Leonard (John L. Miller)

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Industrial Worker: Everett Prisoners Speak From Behind Bars, Reveal Jail Conditions”

Hellraisers Journal: Charles Ashleigh: How Forest & Lumber Workers’ IU Stood Forth Against the Lumber Trust Dragon


We meet today in freedom’s cause
And raise our voices high;
We’ll join our hands in union strong
To battle or to die.


Hellraisers Journal, Thursday March 1, 1917
Everett, Washington – Solidarity can free our brave class comrades!

In an article in this month’s edition of the International Socialist Review, Charles Ashleigh gives some background on the organizing efforts in Everett, Washington, which landed 74 I. W. W. men in the Snohomish County jail facing murder charges. He calls for workers to stand in Solidarity with these heroic class-war prisoners, and states that working-class loyalty can win their freedom.

Northwest Lumber Jacks, ISR, March 1917

The Lumber Trust and Its Victims


THE great Northwest! Land of snow-topped hills and fertile valleys; of the gray Puget Sound and timber-covered acres! This is the much vaunted land of plenty, country of enterprise—the State of Washington.

Years ago, the first stalwart pioneers laid the foundation of a civilization which is now ripening to a maturity,—and, it would seem, a decay! The pioneers are gone and, in their place, are the mighty potentates who have come into power over the land: the emperors of lumber. Hundreds of thousands of acres of timber land have become the stage for the slow, grinding industrial drama of the exploitation of the army of slaves of the lumber companies. From myriad logging camps and a multitude of saw-mills flows an ever-increasing volume of fat profit into the gaping maw of the few who own the lumber industry. Along the shores of Puget Sound are a number of busy ports, the purpose of whose existence is the shipping of the lumber to all parts of the world.

And, in the “lower end” or “working-stiff quarter” of every town upon the Sound you can see the producers of this tremendous wealth. Congregated on street corners, in pool halls, in the sitting-rooms of cheap “flop-houses” and in the “employment sharks'” offices are crowds of sturdy men, clad in the high, spiked shoes of the logger, heavy short flannel shirts and mackinaws; these are the human material which the lumber barons use for their enrichment.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Charles Ashleigh: How Forest & Lumber Workers’ IU Stood Forth Against the Lumber Trust Dragon”

Hellraisers Journal: From the Seattle Union Record: Charles Ashleigh Exposes Waterfront “Bomb Plot” Bunk


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Thursday February 22, 1917
Seattle, Washington – News from Everett Prisoners’ Defense

From the Seattle Union Record of February 17th:

Change of Venue From Snohomish County Is Granted
-Waterfront “Bomb Plot” Blows Up
-Help Needed


Moore & Vanderveer, Attorneys Everett Defense

The application of our attorneys for a change of venue from Snohomish County was heard February 9, in Everett, before Judge Ronald. Moore and Vanderveer had filed a mass of evidence showing great prejudice in the county against the defendants and the working-class movement generally. The prosecution did not attempt to rebut the dozens of affidavits of prejudice submitted by the defense and the judge thereupon granted a change of venue to King County, of which Seattle is the county seat.

There is a certain amount of advantage accruing to the change of venue to Seattle, according to most comment. Upon the list of the prosecution’s witnesses are Everett bank managers, cashiers, the most prominent money-lender of the town, and others of financial importance. This means that the jury would be chary of rendering a decision which would discredit the statements of persons to whom probably a number or the jurors would owe money or to whom they would be in some manner obligated. But that does not hold good in a city such as Seattle. A little Everett bank manager would cut merely an inconsiderable figure there. In Everett he would be a large toad in a small puddle, in Seattle, he would be a very little toad in a big puddle.

Press Tries to Arouse Prejudice

The same day as the change of venue was granted, the Post-Intelligencer and The Times of Seattle came out with a frothy story about a “bomb outrage” which, they alleged, was the work of the I. W. W. A little explosion was noted on the roof of the building in which is the office of the Waterfront Employers’ Union, an Open-Shop organization on the water-front. It seems that the “explosion” was probably caused by a fire-cracker thrown out of the window of a neighboring building. The papers reported Mr. Wollen, assistant-manager of the Employers’ Union, and the police, as attributing the affair to the I. W. W. and other “disgruntled”-by which they mean class-conscious-water-front workers.

A representative of the labor press was immediately sent out to investigate the truth of the matter and it turned out that the bosses’ sheets of Seattle had been spinning some of their usual wholecloth. Manager Becker, of the waterfront Employers, said, referring to the press stories: “You may quote me as saying the stories are bunk!” Assistant-Manager Wollen, whom the papers credit with the statement that the “outrage” was perpetrated by the Industrial Workers, said: “I never said anything about an attempt on my life. I said the whole thing was a Chinese New Year’s joke and laughed it off.” Chief of Police Beckingham said he knew nothing about any police theory connecting it with the workers. “The papers will say anything to arouse prejudice against the I. W. W.,” said the chief.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From the Seattle Union Record: Charles Ashleigh Exposes Waterfront “Bomb Plot” Bunk”

Hellraisers Journal: Part II-Report on Everett’s Industrial Warfare by E. P. Marsh, President Washington State F. of L.


You ought to be out raising hell.
This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Friday February 16, 1917
From Everett Labor Journal: Report on Industrial Warfare, Part II

Over a period of three weeks, from January 26th to February 9th, The Labor Journal of Everett, Washington, published the “Report on Everett’s Industrial Warfare,” by E. P. Marsh, President of the Washington State Federation of Labor, which report he had delivered on the first day of that bodies annual convention, Monday January 22, 1917. Hellraisers Journal republished Part I of that report yesterday; we offer Part II today, and we will concluded the series with Part III of the report tomorrow.


Everett Labor Journal, Feb 2, 1917


E. P. Marsh, Pres WA FoL, Everett Labor Journal, July 23, 1915, small

Activity of the Everett Commercial Club.

I wish it were possible with a short homily to end the story here, for the sorriest part of it now begins. It is to be expected that when two men are in a fist fight, the bystander will at least keep his hands off, or, when one has been terribly beaten, insist that the fight end and the men patch up their differences. The business interests of the city were the bystanders in this struggle, but by no means “innocent.” They had every right to say to the contending parties: “You fellows have fought long enough; why don’t you quit, find out what it is all about, and see if you can’t be good friends again?”

The business interests were suffering keenly because of this struggle. The strikers [striking Shingle Weavers of Everett] were living on short rations, little money to spend for groceries, meat and shoes. The strikebreakers were being housed on mill property, fed from a commissary, spending none of their money with Everett merchants. If the Commercial Club members had a right to take a hand in the proceedings, and naturally they felt they had, for they were being hurt, it was their bounden duty to honestly investigate the truth of the statements of the contending parties, approach the whole problem in a spirit of community good, offer conciliation and mediation to both contending parties. Now notice how they went about it.

Some months previously the Commercial Club had been reorganized on the bureau plan, the various activities of the business life of the city being chartered out and turned over to various bureaus. There was an advertising bureau, a transportation bureau, etc. It became a stock concern, stock memberships being issued in blocks to employers and business houses and some distributed among employers and their employes. What a field for an industrial bureau that would have kept in touch with the human side of the city’s industries, striven for industrial peace by studying the vexatious labor problem with an eye to helping along friendly relations between employers and their men. But there was no such bureau, at least not equipped to function in the social relationship of industry. Mistake No. 1 of the Commercial Club.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Part II-Report on Everett’s Industrial Warfare by E. P. Marsh, President Washington State F. of L.”

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks on Behalf of Everett Prisoners; Defense Wins Change of Venue


It is no wonder the Statue of Liberty
has her back to the United States.
-Elizabeth Gurley Flynn


Hellraisers Journal, Monday February 12, 1917
Everett, Washington – Prisoners Championed by Miss Flynn

Jail at Everett, WCS

While the Everett Class-War Prisoners remain locked behind the bars of the Snohomish County Jail under conditions described as “barbarous,” they nevertheless can take comfort in knowing that they have, as their champion, Miss Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, the “Rebel Girl” of Joe Hill’s famous song, fighting on their behalf.

From the Portland Morning Oregonian of February 5, 1917:


“No Wonder Statue of Liberty Has Back
Turned to United States,”
Speaker Declares

EGF, Ad mtg on 4th, Morning Oregonian, Feb 3, 1917, p11

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, speaking in behalf of the defense of the I. W. W.’s to be tried as participants in the Everett affair of November 5, addressed a capacity audience at the Eleventh-street playhouse yesterday afternoon.

While there were many interruptions of applause during the speaker’s address, the meeting was orderly. A collection, taken up by the girl ushers amounted to $175. Miss Flynn announced that it was not enough, and she called for another passing of the basket to make up the sum of $200. This will be added to the sum needed to defend the men who are charged with murder and complicity in the demonstration on the steamer Verona in Everett, Wash.

Miss Flynn attacked the “lumber trust and other forces of oppression.” She declared that the I. W. W.’s of Everett had been beaten with rubber hose and tortured. She said that the trouble started when the men were told to get off a certain street corner in the heart of the town, on the main street of Everett. “Why, if you got two blocks off the main street of Everett you’d be in the woods,” declared Miss Flynn.

What she termed as the lack of freedom of speech made Miss Flynn say: “It is no wonder the Statue of Liberty has her back to the United States.” She said that while the Salvation army wants “pie in the sky when you die,” the Industrial Workers want “pie here and now.”

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks on Behalf of Everett Prisoners; Defense Wins Change of Venue”

Hellraisers Journal: From Everett Defense: Date Set for Trial; Gurley Flynn Speaks before State Federations of Labor


Quote, Charles Ashleigh, EDNL9, Jan 27, 1917


Hellraisers Journal, Monday January 29, 1917
From Seattle, Washington: Everett Defense News Letter No. 9

Everett Massacre, Def News Letter 9, Jan 27, 1917

Everett, Wash, Jan. 27th.

The date of the first trial has been set! The first man to be tried is Fellow Worker Thomas H. Tracy and his case comes up on March 5th. This was decided yesterday in Everett when the 74 boys pleaded “Not Guilty!” The presiding judge was J. T. Ronald, of King County, who has been appointed by Governor Lister to hear the case, as prejudice was charged by our attorneys against the Two Superior Court judges of Snohomish county.


Our attorneys gave notice of an application for a change of venue. They will now prepare affidavits proving that there is too much prejudice in Snohomish county to warrant the boys a fair and impartial trial. The affidavits will be submitted on Feb. 2nd and the motion for change of venus will be decided upon by judge on Feb. 9th.


The 74 boys made a fine showing in the court-room on Friday. They marched in heavily guarded by a swarm of deputies, but were entirely unabashed. They answered to their names and rose, one after the other, giving, in ringing tones, their plea-it sounded more like a statement than a plea-of “Not Guilty!” There was much favorable comment in the court on the clear-cut and self-possessed appearance of the prisoners.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Everett Defense: Date Set for Trial; Gurley Flynn Speaks before State Federations of Labor”

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Coming to Seattle to Assists 74 Fellow Workers Jailed in Everett


Prison bars do not frighten when
one has truth and right
deep in the heart.
-Elizabeth Gurley Flynn


Hellraisers Journal, Monday January 15, 1917
Seattle, Washington – Miss Flynn, of Mesabi Fame, Coming Soon

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn has barely had time to visit her family and her little son in New York City since the long struggle up on the Mesabi Range of northern Minnesota came to a close, when now comes the call from the fellow workers of Washington state for assistance to save the 74 imprisoned free speech fighters locked behind the bars of the Snohomish County Jail on charges of first degree murder. She is preparing to answer that call, and her arrival in the the city of Seattle, where the Everett Prisoners Defense Committee is headquartered, is expected soon. This story and further news regarding the Everett situation can be found below.

From The Seattle Star of January 12, 1917:

FOR I. W. W.

Everett Massacre, EGF Coming, Stt Star, Jan 12, 1917

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, the well known I. W. W. leader, and reputed the best woman labor speaker in America, is coming to Seattle to assist in the campaign for the defense of the 74 men in jail in Everett. Miss Flynn has just concluded a long campaign in Minnesota in connection with the strike of the iron ore miners on the Mesaba Range.

One of the usual subriquets applied to Miss Flynn by her admirers is that of “the Joan of Arc of the Labor Movement.” She has been a speaker in the working class movement since her 15th year and has since become prominent thru her activities in the Lawrence strike, the Paterson, N. J., strike and other great labor upheavals.

Miss Flynn is billed to speak at a meeting at Dreamland on Sunday, the 21st.

A dance in the evening will be given to raise funds for the defense of the accused.


Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Coming to Seattle to Assists 74 Fellow Workers Jailed in Everett”