Hellraisers Journal: Frank Little Lynched in Butte; Note Threatens: “Others Take Notice! First and Last Warning!”


Don’t worry, fellow-worker,
all we’re going to need from now on is guts.
-Frank Little


Hellraisers Journal, Friday August 3, 1917
Butte, Montana – Union Men Arm for Self Defense

Frank Little was taken from his room by vigilantes before dawn on August 1st. His body was found hanging from a railroad trestle by a neighborhood man on his way to work. Pinned to the body of Fellow Worker Frank Little was a note bearing the Montana Vigilante Code and a grim warning to “Others.” The men of the Butte Metal Mine Workers Union are seeking permits in order to arm for self-defense.

From The Anaconda Standard of August 2, 1917:

Frank Little, Others Take Notice, AS p1, Aug 2, 1917
Frank Little, Others Take Notice, 3 7 77, AS p1, Aug 2, 1917

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Hellraisers Journal: Butte Metal Miners Form New Union & Issue Demands; Spontaneous Walk-Out at Elm Orlu Mine


“Dagos are cheaper than props.”
-Mother Jone quoting a Mine Manager


Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday June 20, 1917
Butte, Montana – Metal Miners Organize and Strike

From the Phoenix Arizona Republican of June 17, 1917:


(Republican A. P. Leased Wire)

Butte Copper Mine, Drawing, ISR, Aug 1914

BUTTE, Mont., June 16.-Sixteen hundred miners it was announced today, are members of the Metal Mine Workers’ Union which is about a week old. The union’s speakers, at an open air meeting attended by more than 3000 miners, appealed to the miners to continue to keep away from the mines. The union’s officials said more than 3000 miners are on strike for an increase in wages and improved working conditions.

No disturbances were reported to the police today, but several arrests were made for distributing without a license, circulars issued by the union attacking the local newspapers and urging all miners to join the union.

The mining companies reported all the mines working but with reduced forces.

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