Hellraisers Journal: Philadelphia’s Local 8 of Marine Transport Workers, IWW, on the Firing Line, Calls for Solidarity


Quote re Employers No Race Line to Exploit, Messenger p11, Aug 1919—————

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday February 28, 1922
Philadelphia Local 8 of I. W. W. on the Firing Line

From The Messenger of February 1922:


Black and White Unite, Messenger p361, Feb 1922

THE Administration’s policy toward the I. W. W. has been everything but frank, just and fair. On the contrary it has been mean, petty and cowardly. Believing that public sentiment was not as aroused and as insistent for the release of the members of the Industrial Workers of the World as it was for other prisoners charged with the violation of war-time laws it announced a different policy in dealing with the I. W. W. cases.

It was well established by the action of the Courts of Appeals of the seventh and eighth districts in the Chicago and Wichita cases, that the I. W. W.’s were found innocent of acts of sabotage or other industrial crimes. Their legal status now is the same as that of Debs before his release. In other words they are held in prison for expressing opinions in opposition to war.

As was pointed out in the foreword of the brief of attorney Otto Christensen, “many of the offenses that the I. W. W.’s were convicted of in the lower courts having been nullified by the action of the Court of Appeals, the legal basis for holding them in prison likewise has been changed.” “Since,” according to the Civil Liberties Union, the reversal of the industrial courts on which three-fourths of the evidence was introduced, these cases are in every essential analogous to the case of Mr. Debs.”

In view of the foregoing facts, it is apparent that the difference in policy in handling the cases of the Industrial Unionists, arises out of prejudice and class hatred.

It appears that the Administration acts not out of consideration for justice and right, established by facts and reason; but only out of fear of a general upsurge of an outraged public against blind, unreasoning intolerant, autocratic, Kaiser-like methods.

Recognizing this fact, Local 8 of the Marine Transport Workers of Philadelphia, has, in accordance with its general policy of enlightened, militant, revolutionary action, proceeded to arrange an intensive campaign of education and agitation in the interest of the 118 class-war and political prisoners still languishing in prison.

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Hellraisers Journal: The Messenger Calls for Action on Behalf of Ben Fletcher and Other Political and Class-War Prisoners


Quote Matilda Robbins ed, Ben Fletcher, p132 PC—————

Hellraisers Journal  – Monday July 4, 1921
Messenger Calls for General Amnesty for Political and Class-War Prisoners

From The Messenger of July 1921:


IWW, Ben Fletcher ed, 13126 Leavenworth, Sept 7 or 8, 1918
Fellow Worker Ben Fletcher

WHEN the historian of the future writes of this period he will find that black as well as white men languished in prison cells on account of the political and economic beliefs they entertained. Anthropologists take note!

Ben Fletcher was the only Negro, among the 101 Industrial Workers of the World, who was convicted and sentenced, by Judge Keneesaw Mountain Landis, to 10 years imprisonment in Fort Leavenworth, for an alleged violation of the Espionage Act.

Like Debs, these men were the victims of a vicious war hysteria. Their only crime was that they dared to proclaim the essential rights of the toiling masses, black and white, Jew and Gentile, native and foreign, to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; though these rights are supposed to be vouchsafed in the Magna Charta of American liberties–the Declaration of Independence. It is clear that Fletcher and his white co-workers sinned against the sacred creed and dogma of financial imperialism, drunk and maddened with the red wine of mass murder. The excuse for their imprisonment was that they interfered with the successful prosecution of the war. That excuse no longer exists, for the war is over; still these men are not yet free. Every country, which was a party to the war has proclaimed political amnesty for political and class-war prisoners, save our own. Why?

This is the question which every black and white citizen, worker and lover of liberty should ask President Harding and Attorney General Daughterty

The MESSENGER is calling upon the Negro church and press to preach sermons and write editorials for the release of Ben Fletcher. Needless to say that the white political and class-war prisoners will be included. We call upon every Negro to send telegrams and letters to Harding, Daugherty and the congressman of his district for the release of Fletcher and other political and class-war prisoners. We only single out Fletcher because the Negro population is not aware of the reason for his imprisonment, and, consequently, has a luke-warm interest in the cause of political amnesty. We realize that all workers, regardless of race, creed or color or nationality will benefit from sentiment created; though that sentiment be created, nominally, in the interest of a single worker because of certain conditions, such as race, which make it possible to interest a large part of the population, such as Negroes, or Irish or Italians, etc.

All hands to the Wheel of General Amnesty for Political and Class-War Prisoners. 


[Photograph and emphasis added.]

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Hellraisers Journal: The Messenger Takes on Gompers and Congressman Byrnes of North Carolina, Stands for Socialism


“The only radical Negro magazine in America.”
-The Messenger

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday October 1, 1919
“Why Negroes Should Be Socialists” by the Editors

From The Messenger of October 1919:

Messenger, Unionizing Negro Workers, Gompers, Oct 1919

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Messenger Takes on Gompers and Congressman Byrnes of North Carolina, Stands for Socialism”

Hellraisers Journal: From Messenger’s Riot Number: a Poem by Claude McKay: “If We Must Die…Let Us Nobly Die”


Quote Claude McKay, Fighting Back, Messenger p4, Sept 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday September 30, 1919
“Oh, kinsmen! We must meet the common foe…fighting back!”

From The Messenger of September 1919:

“If We Must Die” by Claude McKay

POEM, If We Must Die by Claude McKay, Messenger p4, Sept 1919

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Messenger’s Riot Number: a Poem by Claude McKay: “If We Must Die…Let Us Nobly Die””

Hellraisers Journal: From The Messenger: Cartoon by W. B. Williams: “When they get together they’ll dump us off!!”


Quote re Employers No Race Line to Exploit, Messenger p11, Aug 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Wednesday August 13, 1919
Workers Unite, Black and White, and Dump the Bosses Off Your Backs

From The Messenger of August 1919:
-Cartoon by W. B. Williams

CRTN When Workers Get Together, Msgr p4, Aug 1919

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From The Messenger: Cartoon by W. B. Williams: “When they get together they’ll dump us off!!””

Hellraisers Journal: The Messenger: Ben Fletcher in Leavenworth for a principle: “to the workers belongs the world.”


Quote Frank Little re Guts, Wobbly by RC p208, Chg July 1917———-

Hellraisers Journal – Sunday August 3, 1919
Leavenworth Penitentiary – Ben Fletcher Imprisoned for Principle

From The Messenger of August 1919:

Ben Fletcher

IWW, Ben Fletcher, 13126 Leavenworth, Sept 7 or 8, 1918
Fellow Worker Ben Fletcher

Negro newspapers seldom publish anything about men who are useful to the race. Some parasite, ecclesiastical poltroon, sacerdotal tax gatherer, political faker or business exploiter will have his name in the papers, weekly or daily. But when it comes to one of those who fights for the great masses to lessen their hours of work, to increase their wages, to decrease their high cost of living, to make life more livable for the toiling black workers-that man is not respectable for the average Negro sheet.

Such a man is Ben Fletcher. He is one of the leading organizers of the Industrial Workers of the World, commonly known as I. W. W. He is in the Leavenworth Penitentiary, Kansas, where he was sent for trying to secure better working conditions of colored men and women in the United States. He has a vision far beyond that of almost any Negro leader whom we know. He threw in his lot with his fellow white workers, who work side by side with black men and black women to raise their standard of living. It is not uncommon to see Negro papers have headlines concerning a Negro who had committed murder, cut some woman’s throat, stolen a chicken or a loaf of bread, but those same papers never record happenings concerning the few Negro manly men who go to prison for principle. Ben Fletcher is in Leavenworth for a principle-a principle which when adopted, will put all the Negro leaders out of their parasitical jobs that principle is that to the workers belongs the world, but useful work is not done by negro leaders.

We want to advocate and urge that Negro societies, lodges, churches, N. A. A. C. P. branches and, of course, their labor organizations begin to protest against the imprisonment of Ben Fletcher and to demand his release. He has been of more service to the masses of the plain Negro people than all the wind jamming Negro leaders in the United States.

[Photograph and emphasis added.]

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Messenger: Ben Fletcher in Leavenworth for a principle: “to the workers belongs the world.””

Hellraisers Journal: The Messenger on FW Ben Fletcher: “The best and bravest, the noblest and most courageous”


Quote Frank Little re Guts, Wobbly by RC p208, Chg July 1917———-

Hellraisers Journal – Tuesday May 27, 1919
Prisons and Jails of the U.S.A. Now Hold the “Best and Bravest”

From The Messenger of May-June 1919:


IWW, Ben Fletcher, 13126 Leavenworth, Sept 7 or 8, 1918
Fellow Worker Ben Fletcher

The recent conviction and sentenced of the national Socialist officials, the Supreme Court’s confirmation of the convictions of Eugene V. Debs and of Kate Richards O’Hare, definitely stamp the United States as the most archaic, antiquated and reactionary of the alleged civilized nations. In addition to these popular and well-known characters, there are 1,500 political and class prisoners in the prisons. Practically all other countries have granted amnesty to their political prisoners, but the U. S. is sentencing them more savagely now than during the War.

Men like Victor Berger, Adolph Germer, Louis Engdahl, Irwin St John Tucker and Charles Kruse have each been sentenced to imprisonment for twenty years for speaking a word in favor of human liberty and for making statements concerning profiteering and patriotism, the truth of which has been amply corroborated by the Federa Trade Commission and the Federal Income Tax Reports. Among the 1,500 political and class prisoners are men of practically all races and nationalities.

Negro men like Ben Fletcher, who have done more to improve the actual economic and social life of Negro workers than the much heralded so-called leaders, are in prison for fifteen and twenty years. There is no race, color or sex line involved. The best and bravest, the noblest and most courageous, are in the dark and cavernous prison cells of this country.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Messenger on FW Ben Fletcher: “The best and bravest, the noblest and most courageous””

Hellraisers Journal: The Messenger: A. Philip Randolph on “The Truth About Lynching,” The Cause and The Cure


Quote A Philip Randolph, White Church Lynch Law Profits, Messenger p9, Mar 1919———-

Hellraisers Journal – Thursday March 6, 1919
The Messenger, A. Philip Randolph, “The Truth About Lynching”

From The Messenger of March 1919, the Cover:

The Messenger Magazine, Cover, March 1919

From page 23: Ad for “The Truth About Lynching”

AD "Truth ab Lynching", Messenger p23, March 1919

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: The Messenger: A. Philip Randolph on “The Truth About Lynching,” The Cause and The Cure”

Hellraisers Journal: From Ohio Socialist: Editorial from The Messenger: “Negroes Organizing in the Socialist Party”


Nothing counts but pressure, pressure, more pressure,
and still more pressure through broad,
organized, aggressive mass action.
-A. Philip Randolph

Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday August 28, 1918
New York City – Socialist Locals Organized Across Race Divide

From The Ohio Socialist of August 21, 1918:

-The following article is reprinted from The Messenger:

Negroes Organizing in
Socialist Party

A. Philip Randolph and Chandler Owen, Messenger, Nov 1917
Editors of The Messenger

The new negro is awakening. After having been the political Rip Van Winkle of America for fifty years, sleeping in the cesspools of Republican reaction, he has at last opened his eyes. In New York city, in the very heart of the negro settlement, there has been organized the Twenty-first Assembly District Socialist Branch, which includes all white and colored Socialists in the district. The branch has grown to about one hundred members in two weeks, all of whom are dues paying and in good standing.

The new negro leaders are pointing out the Republican party as the worst fraud under which negroes have been laboring.The Democratic party is openly against the negro. The Republican party is ever striking him a blow in the back. Either one or the other of those parties has been in power for the last fifty years, the Republicans the greater part of the time. The Jim Crowism, segregation, lynching, defranchisement and discrimination are as much the work of the Republican as the Democratic party. Jim Crowism railroads was upheld in a decision by Charles E. Hughes. Lynch laws thrived under McKinley, Roosevelt and Taft. The Grandfather disfranchisement laws were passed under the guardianship of the Republican party. The Summer Civil Rights bill was declared unconstitutional by the Republican Supreme Court.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: From Ohio Socialist: Editorial from The Messenger: “Negroes Organizing in the Socialist Party””