Hellraisers Journal: Photographs from Wilshire’s Magazine from Coverage of the Haywood Trial


Quote MA Hamm, Wilshires July 1907


Hellraisers Journal, Saturday February 8, 1908
From Wilshire’s Magazine: Photographs from the Haywood Trial

Margherita Arlina Hamm, ab 1893

Following the sad news of the untimely death of Margherita Arlina Hamm, who, with her husband John R. McMahon, covered the trial of William D. Haywood in Boise for Wilshire’s Magazine, we took another look at the fine articles written by this husband-wife team and published in Wilshire’s from June until August of 1907. Those articles were accompanied by several photographs, some not found elsewhere, and those photographs we are happy to republish today.

From Wilshire’s Magazine of June 1907:

John R. McMahon-

HMP, John McMahon, Wilshires, June 1907

From Wilshire’s Magazine of July 1907:
Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Photographs from Wilshire’s Magazine from Coverage of the Haywood Trial”

Hellraisers Journal: Socialists Praise Ida Crouch-Hazlett of Montana News for Reportage on Haywood Trial


To advocate peace with things as they are
is treason to humanity.
This is a class struggle and on class lines
it must be fought out to a finish.
-Ida Crouch-Hazlett


Hellraisers Journal, Friday August 9, 1907
Helena, Montana – “Comrade Hazlett is a dandy.”

Now that Big Bill Haywood has been freed from the Ada County Jail and has returned in triumph to Denver, Colorado, Ida Crouch-Hazlett has also been able to return to her home in Helena, Montana, where she can resume her duties as editor of the Montana News. During the past several months, she has been working as a correspondent, residing first in Caldwell and later in Boise, Idaho, from where her reporting on the Haywood Trial has been read eagerly by Socialists, especially those of Montana and Milwaukee.

From the Montana News of August 8, 1907:


Ida Crouch-Hazlett, Socialist, Montana News, Aug 3, 1904

The Social Democrat Herald says:

It is fitting just at this time for us to partly discharge a debt of gratitude to our correspondent at the Haywood trial, Comrade Ida Crouch-Hazlett, editress of the “Montana New.” Her reports were remarkably comprehensive and graphic and gave our readers an actual look in at the trial through socialist eyes. We are only sorry that more socialist papers did not avail themselves of her fine reports. And we regret also that we were not able from considerations of the limitations of our space, to print every word of the reports she sent us.

One paper did so, the Montana News, and we venture the belief that the readers of that paper secured a better idea of the work and progress of the historic trial than did the readers of any other party paper. Through the long and wearing trial, in a torrid courtroom, Mrs. Hazlett stuck to her post, and after the exhaustion of the day, spent long hours in the evening preparing her copy and telling the Social-Democrats of the country how the great inquisition was progressing. She was peculiarly fitted, also, for this task, from the fact of having formerly been a resident of Colorado and being familiar with the shocking and inhuman tyrannies of the mine owners in the great labor war of 1904.

[Paragraph break added.]


The reports of the trial that the News printed from the pen of Comrade Hazlett have brought us a large number of compliments. Below a few of them that have reached this office: Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Socialists Praise Ida Crouch-Hazlett of Montana News for Reportage on Haywood Trial”

Hellraisers Journal: Mrs. Steve Adams and Mrs. George Pettibone Visit with Husbands Through Barred Windows

There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday July 21, 1907
Boise, Idaho – Wives of Prisoners at Barred Windows

From The Pittsburg Press, we find this touching photograph of Mrs. Steve Adams and Mrs. George Pettibone speaking to their husbands through the barred windows of the Ada County Jail.

HMP, Love Thru the Bars, Ptt PA Prs, June 19, 1907

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Mrs. Steve Adams and Mrs. George Pettibone Visit with Husbands Through Barred Windows”

Hellraisers Journal: Ida Crouch-Hazlett of Montana News Gives Touching Account of Haywood Family’s Reunion


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Sunday May 12, 1907
From Montana News: The First Meeting of Haywood Family

Haywood Family Reunited, Boise, Wilkes-Barre Leader, May 10, 1907, Crpd

In the May 9th edition of the Montana News, official organ of the Socialist Party of Montana, was published an article by the editor, Ida Crouch-Hazlett which gives a touching account of the reunification Comrade Bill Haywood with his family. The prisoner had not seen his wife and daughters for the past fourteen months.

Just Before the Battle

Family Reunion in Ada County Jail
-Everything Ready for Trial
-“Statesman” Gets Rabid”

Boise, Idaho, April 30, 1907.

One week from next Thursday is the date set for the trial of William D. Haywood. All sides state that they are ready for the great battle. The work that the defense has done throughout Ada county in safeguarding the interests of their clients is a marvel in painstaking and thorough news. The county has been thoroughly polled, and, as Mr. Richardson says, the conditions are certainly nothing like those in Canyon county. C. A. Johnson of Seattle and M. Barber of Caldwell, the men who had charge of the Canyon county work, have had the work here, and they have had a most able corps of assistants in learning what the sentiment is generally concerning the coming trials.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Ida Crouch-Hazlett of Montana News Gives Touching Account of Haywood Family’s Reunion”

Hellraisers Journal: Haywood Family Reunited in Boise as “Legal Labor Struggle of the Age Begins”


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Saturday May 11, 1907
Boise, Idaho – Haywood Reunited with Wife and Daughters

From the Wilkes-Barre Leader of May 10, 1907:

Haywood Family Reunited, Boise, Wilkes-Barre Leader, May 10, 1907



Special to the LEADER.

BOISE, Idaho, May 10.-Mrs. W. D. Haywood, the invalid wife of the Western Federation secretary, is the object of much sympathy and interest. Every afternoon at 3 o’clock she is taken to see her husband behind the grated bars of the county jail. Her two daughters, aged 11 and 17 years, and the nurse or the guard detailed by the miners’ federation accompany her.

For two hours the members of the little family enjoy the association that was broken when Haywood was brought here to stand trial for his life. Promptly at 5 o’clock, in obedience to the prison rules, the visitors return to the temporary home provided for them in this city.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Haywood Family Reunited in Boise as “Legal Labor Struggle of the Age Begins””

Hellraisers Journal: May Day Messages from Comrades Big Bill Haywood and Eugene V. Debs


BBH Quote re May Day, AtR p2, Apr 27, 1907


Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday May 1, 1907
From the Appeal to Reason: Thoughts on May Day and The Red Flag

William D. Haywood writes to the Appeal from the Ada County Jail:

Haywood, Wilshire's Magazine, 1906

May Day of all the year is the most momentous to the workers of the world. In every civilized country the first of May is recognized as International Labor Day. On this day thought-waves are carrying around the globe messages of love and encouragement. “The world is my country man is my brother,” expresses the sublime sentiment of a world-wide fraternity in every land where men and women are straining under the galling chains of oppression. This noble thought quickens the soul and kindles the spark of hope in the breast of the heavy laden.

Brave hearts of every clime are beating in unison and millions of feet are keeping step in the onward, upward march to industrial liberty.

This era of evolution is blotting out racial and national hatreds, the toilers are awakened and conscious of the truth that sufferings now endured are but the labor pains that foretell the new democracy to be born.

Ada County Jail, Boise, Idaho.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: May Day Messages from Comrades Big Bill Haywood and Eugene V. Debs”

Hellraisers Journal: Big Bill Haywood Responds to Roosevelt: “His statement ..will work me irreparable injury..”


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday April 10, 1907
From Ada County Jail, Idaho: Big Bill Haywood Makes a Statement

Haywood, Wilshire's Magazine, 1906

The following statement by Big Bill Haywood is being widely published and republished by newspapers large and small across the nation:

The President says that I am an “undesirable citizen,” the inference being that, as such, I should be put out of the way. His influence is all-powerful, and his statement, coming as it does on the eve of my trial for life, will work me irreparable injury and do more to prevent a fair trial than everything that has been said and done against me in the past.

From The Brooklyn Daily Eagle of April 8, 1907:

The Roosevelt-Harriman Controversy
and Organized Labor.

Joseph R Buchanan, Labor Agitator, ab/ 1903

Replying to the letter of Edward H. Harriman, which probably the whole world has read by this time, the President said, if correctly reported:

It shows the cynicism and deep-seated corruption which make the man uttering such sentiments, and boasting, no matter how falsely, of his power to perform such crimes, at least as undesirable a citizen as Eugene V. Debs or Moyer or Haywood.

This sentiment furnished the topic of conversation among labor men generally throughout the city during the past few days. In fact, it has been condemned by organized labor in every section of the country. Joseph R. Buchanan, of Big Six, thus expressed himself:

Of course, every one understood that the President’s words were intended as a reflection upon the citizenship qualities of Moyer and Haywood, as well as upon those of Mr. Harriman, and as he has the reputation of always hitting as hard as he can, it is assumed that he could think of none who were such “bad citizens” as the officials of the Western Federation of Miners.

Organized labor of New York has held many meetings of protest against the unjust and unlawful treatment of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone by the officials of Colorado and Idaho, and has contributed thousands of dollars to the fund raised by union labor all over the United States to defray the expenses of their defense. That they have committed any crime or broken any law of the land has still to be proven.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Big Bill Haywood Responds to Roosevelt: “His statement ..will work me irreparable injury..””

Hellraisers Journal: Kidnaping Anniversary Edition of Appeal to Reason, Edited by Eugene Debs & Consecrated to “Holy Cause of Emancipation.”


There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Tuesday February 19, 1907
From the Appeal to Reason: Kidnaping Anniversary Edition

This week’s edition of the Appeal to Reason commemorates February 17, 1906, the one-year anniversary of the state-sponsored kidnaping of the valiant leaders of the Western Federation of Miners, under the banner:

Labor Is Forging The Thunderbolt
for the Conspiracy!

Eugene V. Debs is the special editor of the first page of this edition, and raises his voice on behalf of our imprisoned comrades:

HMP, AtR Kidnap Anniversary Edition, Feb 16, 1907

THESE are the three comrades whose kidnaping under the most extraordinary circumstances ever recorded we are celebrating with a special edition of three million copies and with fresh consecration to the holy cause of emancipation for which they have offered up their liberty and jeopardized their lives.

Verily, “it is an ill wind that blows no good,” and “God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform.”

At first glance the kidnaping of our comrades by the chief magistrate of a state sworn to execute the law against kidnapers, and who, if not a perjurer is a felon, and if not a felon a perjurer would seem to be a monstrous crime without a feature to redeem it from execration. But not so. What else, or what less than this would have served to arouse the working class of the whole nation like an alarm blast from the trumpet of an avenging deity?

What else could have lashed the stagnant waters of organized labor into foaming billows, tossing high their spray of life and discontent?

In all the history of labor there is no event to equal it. A year ago the names of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone were known to but a few thousands in the Western states; today they are hailed and honored by millions, who applaud their fidelity and honor their fortitude.

And thus are heroes snatched from the common multitude.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Kidnaping Anniversary Edition of Appeal to Reason, Edited by Eugene Debs & Consecrated to “Holy Cause of Emancipation.””

Hellraisers Journal: Big Bill Haywood Sends Daily Letter from Ada County Jail in Idaho to His Invalid Wife in Denver

There are no limits to which
powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Hellraisers Journal, Wednesday January 9, 1907
From Ada County Jail, Idaho – Big Bill Haywood Writes to Family

Kidnappers Special Detail by BBH, AtR, May 19, 1906

From his cell in the Ada County Jail, beneath the Courthouse where he will be put on trial for his life, William D. Haywood, Secretary-Treasure of the Western Federation of Miners, sends out a daily letter to his invalid wife in Denver. His wife, Nevada Jane Minor Haywood and his two daughters, Vernie and Henrietta, remain in that city and hope for the return of the husband and father who was kidnapped by the authorities of Colorado and Idaho and spirited away to Boise aboard the “Kidnappers’ Special” on February 18th of this past year.

From The Leavenworth Times of Kansas, January 5, 1907:

Accused Miner Sends Daily Letter To Wife

BBH, Nevada Jane, Leavenworth KS Tx, Jan 5, 1907

Denver, Colo., Jan. 4.-There is a chapter in the life of Wm. D. Haywood, leader of the Western Federation of Miners and accused accomplice in the assassination of former Gov. Steunenberg, of Idaho, now in jail at Boise, Idaho, awaiting trial, not generally known. The story this chapter tells places this one accused and censured as an anarchist in the true light of faithful and home-loving father and husband.

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Big Bill Haywood Sends Daily Letter from Ada County Jail in Idaho to His Invalid Wife in Denver”

Hellraisers Journal: Messages from Comrade Haywood, Socialist Candidate for Governor of Colorado


Have courage and energy;
they may put us in jail,
but imprisonment is not defeat.
Yours for economic freedom,
Ada County Jail, Boise, Idaho.


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday November 4, 1906
From Ada County Jail, Idaho – Big Bill Campaigns for Governor

Debs in Denver Nov 5, AtR, Nov 3, 1906

In the latest issue of the Appeal to Reason we find messages from William D. Haywood to the people of Colorado. These messages were sent out to the Appeal by Big Bill from behind the bars of the Ada County Jail where the Socialist candidate for Governor resides awaiting trial in an attempted frame-up on a charge of having murdered the ex-Governor of Idaho. Also found was a notice announcing a meeting with Eugene Debs in Denver on Monday, November 5th, the day before the election.

Haywood Denounces Democrats

Haywood Denounces Plot of Democrats

“No Compromise in Colorado!” is Still the Slogan Which the Socialist Candidate for Governor of Colorado Sends from His Prison Cell in Idaho to the Loyal Comrades of the Centennial State.


Haywood to voters of CO, AtR, Nov 3, 1906Appeal to Reason, Girard, Kansas.

I have just received information to the effect that Alva Adams, democratic candidate for governor of Colorado, in his canvass is reading telegrams purporting to be from my representatives. I desire to say to the working class of Colorado that no telegram or message of any description to Alva Adams or any one of his class has been authorized by me. Moreover, no one but the state committee of the Socialist party is empowered to speak for me politically. In every conversation I have had on the subject, in everything I have written, I made it distinctly understood that there shall be NO COMPROMISE IN COLORADO. I accepted the nomination in good faith. There has been a magnificent campaign made. I stand or fall by the decision of my class-the wage-earners. Union men and women, fellow-workers, Socialists, I have never betrayed you-and, by the Almighty, I never shall. I am with you in this fight to abolish special privileges, to establish equal opportunities, to insure justice, life and liberty.

Ada County Jail, Boise, Idaho, Oct. 20.

Yours to a finish,

Continue reading “Hellraisers Journal: Messages from Comrade Haywood, Socialist Candidate for Governor of Colorado”