Hellraisers Journal: United States and Germany at War; Jack Reed Asks: “Whose War?


The speculators, the employers,
the plutocracy…with lies and sophistries
they will whip up our blood until we are savage-
and then we’ll fight and die for them.
-Jack Reed


Hellraisers Journal, Saturday April 7, 1917
From The Seattle Star: “War Is Begun…Wilson Signs Declaration”

News of America’s entrance into the War in Europe displaced all news of the ongoing Tracy Trial from the front page of last evening’s edition of The Seattle Star:

WWI, War Begun Today, Seattle Star, Apr 6, 1917


Regarding the ongoing Tracy Trial, we were able to find a small article on page two of the same edition of the Star with the headline:

“Jury Wants to Hurry the Case”

It appears that the Jury is getting bored as the Defense fights to save the life of Fellow Worker Tom Tracy.


From The Masses of April 1917:


John Reed

WWI, God of War by Art Young, Masses, Sept 1915 crpd

BY The time this goes to press the United States may be at war. The day the German note arrived, Wall street flung the American flag to the breeze, the brokers on the floor of the Stock Exchange sang “The Star-spangled Banner” with tears rolling down their cheeks, and the stock-market went up. In the theaters they are singing “patriotic” ballads of the George M. Cohan-Irving Berlin variety, playing the national anthem, and flashing the flag and the portrait of long-suffering Lincoln-while the tired surburanite who has just been scalped by a ticket-speculator goes into hysterics. Exclusive ladies whose husbands own banks are rolling bandages for the wounded, just like they do in Europe; a million-dollar fund for Ice in Field-hospitals has been started; and the Boston Budget for Conveying Virgins Inland has grown enormously. The directors of the British, French and Belgian Permanent Blind Relief Fund have added “American” to the name of the organization, in gruesome anticipation. Our soldier boys, guarding the aqueducts and bridges, are shooting each other by mistake for Teutonic Spies. There is talk of “conscription,” “war-brides,” and “On to Berlin.” …

I know what war means. I have been with the armies of all the belligerents except one, and I have seen men die, and go mad, and lie in hospitals suffering hell; but there is a worse thing than that. War means an ugly mob-madness , crucifying the truth-tellers, choking the artists, side-tracking reforms, revolutions, and the working of social forces. Already in America those citizens who oppose the entrance of their country into the European melée are called “traitors,” and those who protest against the curtailing of our meagre rights of free speech are spoken of as “dangerous lunatics.” We have had a forecast of the censorship-when the naval authorities in charge of the Sayville wireless cut off American news from Germany, and only the wildest fictions reached Berlin via London, creating a perilous situation….The press is howling for war. The church is howling for war. Lawyers, politicians, stock-brokers, social leaders are all howling for war. Roosevelt is again recruiting his thrice-thwarted family regiment.

But whether it comes to actual hostilities or not, some damage has been done. The militarists have proved their point. I know of at least two valuable social movements that have suspended functioning because no one cares. For many years this country is going to be a worse place for free men to live in; less tolerant, less hospitable. Maybe it is too late, but I want to put down what I think about it all.

Whose war is this? Not mine. I know that hundreds of thousands of American workingmen employed by our great financial “patriots” are not paid a living wage. I have seen poor men sent to jail for long terms without trial, and even without any charge. Peaceful strikers, and their wives and children, have been shot to death, burned to death, by private detectives and militiamen. The rich has steadily become richer, and the cost of living higher, and the workers proportionally poorer. These toilers don’t want war-not even civil war. But the speculators, the employers, the plutocracy-they want it, just as they did in Germany and in England; and with lies and sophistries they will whip up our blood until we are savage-and then we’ll fight and die for them.

I am one of a vast number of ordinary people who read the daily papers, and occasionally The New Republic, and want to be fair. We don’t know much about international politics; but we want our country to keep off the necks of little nations, to refuse to back up American beasts of prey who invest abroad and get their fingers burned, and to stay out of quarrels not our own. We’ve got an idea that international law is the crystallized common-sense of nations, distilled for their experiences with each other, and that it holds good for all of them, and can be understood by anybody.

We are simple folk. Prussian militarism seemed to us insufferable; we thought the invasion of Belgium a crime; German atrocities horrified us, and also the idea of German submarines exploding ships full of peaceful people without warning. But then we began to hear about England and France jailing, fining, exiling and even shooting men who refused to go out and kill; the Allied armies invaded and seized a part of neutral Greece, and a French admiral forced upon her an ultimatum as shameful as Austria’s to Serbia; Russian atrocities were shown to be more dreadful than German; and hidden mines sown by England in the open sea exploded ships full of peaceful people without warning.

Other things disturbed us. For instance, why was it a violation of international law for the Germans to establish a “war-zone” around the British Isles, and perfectly legal for England to close the North Sea? Why is it we submitted to the British order forbidding the shipment of non-contraband to the Allies? If our “national honor” was smirched by Germany’s refusal to allow war-materials to be shipped to the Allies, what happened to our national honor when England refused to let us ship non-contraband food and even Red Cross hospital supplies to Germany? Why is England allowed to attempt the avowed starvation of German civilians, in violation of international law, when the Germans cannot attempt the same thing without our horrified protest? How is it that the British can arbitrarily regulate our commerce with neutral nations, while we raise a howl whenever the Germans “threaten to restrict our merchant ships going about their business?” Why does our Government insist that Americans should not be molested while traveling on Allied ships armed against submarines?

We have shipped and are shipping vast quantities of war-materials to the Allies, we have floated the Allied loans. We have been strictly neutral toward the Teutonic powers only. Hence the inevitable desperation of the last German note. Hence this war we are on the brink of.

Those of us who voted for Woodrow Wilson did so because we felt his mind and his eyes were open, because he had kept us out of the mad-dog-fight of Europe, and because the plutocracy opposed him. We had learned enough about the war to lose some of our illusions, and we wanted to be neutral. We grant that the President, considering the position he’d got himself into, couldn’t do anything else but answer the German note as he did-but if we had been neutral, that note wouldn’t have been sent. The President didn’t ask us; he won’t ask us if we want war or not. The fault is not ours. It is not our war.

[Photograph added.]

From The Masses of September 1915:

WWI, God of War by Art Young, Masses, Sept 1915



The Seattle Star
(Seattle, Washington)
-Apr 6, 1917
WWI, War Begun Today, Seattle Star, Apr 6, 1917
“Jury Wants to Hurry the Case”

The Masses
(New York, New York)
-April 1917
“Whose War?” by John Reed

WWI, God of War by Art Young, Masses, Sept 1915
& detail

See also:

U. S. Entry into World War I, April 6, 1917

This Day in History: April 6, 1917
America Enters World War I

The Everett Massacre
A History of the Class Struggle in the Lumber Industry

-by Walker C. Smith
IWW, 1918
Chp VII-The Defense

The War in Eastern Europe
-described by John Reed
-pictured by Boardman Robinson
(per Jack Reed: “In this book Robinson and I have simply tried to give our impressions of human beings as we found them in the countries of Eastern Europe, from April to October, 1915.”
NY, 1918

I believe this is “the German note” to which Reed is referring:
“Germany’s Policy of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare,
31 January 1917”
