Hellraisers Journal: “Frank Little was an agitator, he made the people think..” -Whitewash by Emma Little


Emma Little Quote, Whitewash, Sol Aug 11, 1917


Hellraisers Journal, Thursday August 30, 1917
Fresno, California – Sister-in-Law of Frank Little Pens Poem

Emma Little, staunch supporter of the Industrial Workers of the World, lives in Fresno with her husband, Fred, brother of our martyred Fellow Worker, Frank Little. Emma and Fred have three children: Walter, Lawrence and Victoria.

Fresno was the scene of the famous Free Speech Fight of 1910-1911 in which Frank Little, along with Fred and Emma, played active and heroic roles.

From Solidarity of August 11, 1917:

ISR Doodle, 614, Apr 1917
Frank Little Whitewash by Emma, Sol Aug 11, 1917
ISR Doodle, 614, Apr 1917



(IWW Newspaper)
(Chicago, Illinois)
“Bring Out The Whitewash”
-by Emma B. Little
-Aug 11, 1917

Frank Little and the IWW:
The Blood That Stained an American Family

-by Jane Little Botkin
University of Oklahoma Press, May 25, 2017
Note: This is the definitive biography of Fellow Worker Frank Little. Jane Little Botkin is the great grand niece of Frank and Fred Little. Book is thoroughly and diligently sourced.

Fellow Workers and Friends:
I.W.W. Free Speech Fights as Told by Participants

-by Philip S Foner
Greenwood Press, 1981


(Air: “Barcarolle” from the “Tales of Hoffman”)
By Gerald J. Lively

You’ve fought your fight, a long good night
Is all that we can say.
Sleep on, sleep on, your work is done
Brave fighter for the Day.
Kind Mother Earth who gave you birth
Receives you to her breast.
For us the Fight, for you the night,
The night of well earned rest,
No more you’ll feel the cling of steel,
You’ve burst the prison bars,
You gave your life in this our strife,
Brave conqueror of stars.
Sleep on, sleep on, your work is done,
Sleep on, sleep on, sleep on.