Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Carlo Tresca & Arturo Giovannitti Arrested in New York City


Don’t worry, Fellow Worker,
all we’re going to need
from now on is guts.
-Frank Little


Hellraisers Journal, Sunday September 30, 1917
New York, New York – Feds Seize Flynn, Tresca, & Giovanitti

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Carlo Tresca, and Arturo Giovanitti, heros of the Lawrence and Paterson Strikes of 1912 and 1913 were arrested late in the day yesterday and their homes ransacked by federal agents.

EGF Tresca Paterson, Giovannitti Lawrence, re arrest Sept 29, 1917


From today’s Pittsburgh Gazette Times:

Elizabeth G. Flynn Taken For
Activities With I. W. W.

Two Associates Also Taken in New York-
Two Pittsburghers in Custody.

NEW YORK, Sept. 29.-Three of the most prominent I. W. W. leaders in the United States were arrested here tonight by agents of the government. They are Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, militant I. W. W. agitator; Carl [Carlo] Tresca, her associate, and Arturo Giovanetti [Giovannitti].

John G. Baldazzi, member of the organization committee, was also taken when government officers, armed with warrants based on the wholesale I. W. W. indictments in Chicago, made their raid tonight. The government agents ransacked the homes of these leaders, seizing truckloads of literature. This was stacked up ready for removal, and armed guards placed over it. The prisoners were taken to department of Justice headquarters in New York. They will be jailed and held for the Chicago Federal authorities.

CHICAGO, Sept, 29.-Trial of I. W. W. members arrested throughout the country on indictments returned here yesterday will be held in Chicago, it was intimated tonight…Federal officials refuse to make public the exact number of men under arrest or the identities of all of them, but it is believed that between 160 and 170 are already in custody.

Among the men arrested by the Federal authorities are two Pittsburghers, Harrison George and Jack Law…


The Gazette Times
(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
-Sept 30, 1917

The World’s Work, Volume 26
(New York, New York)
May-Oct 1913
Doubleday, Page & Company, 1913
TWW Aug 1913
What the IWW Is by Arno Dosch
Photo: Giovannitti of Lawrence Textile Strike

The Sun
(New York, New York)
-Aug 12, 1917
“Rioting Marks Trail of the I. W. W.”
Photo: Tresca & Flynn during Paterson Silk Strike

See also:

The Rebel Girl:
An Autobiography, My First Life (1906-1926)

-by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
(Pages 233-235)
International Publishers, 1973

Can be read online, see link below:
(Scroll down to page 233)

1912 Lawrence Textile Strike

1913 Paterson Silk Strike
